Web Apps Testing Methodologies

Different Web Apps Testing Methodologies and Tools

1. Functionality Testing
The main goal of functional testing is to make sure that all the functions within a web

 app are working smoothly without any technical glitches. In a web application, functional 
testing could cover different things like whether all the links are working properly or not,
 testing forms in all the pages, testing cookies, validating HTML or CSS, testing database for
 the security and so on.
One should also ensure that test cases cover all the boundary conditions that need to be tested.

 Also, invalid inputs should give an appropriate error message.

2. Usability Testing
When it comes to make the application user-friendly and effective, its user interface should 

comply with the standards. It is important that you follow all the global conventions and web
 standards while developing a web application. Usability testing is suitable for the applications
 that are intended to streamline the manual process.
However, one should also keep in mind certain important aspects like proper navigation, site 

map, avoid using over-crowded content and more while approaching for the usability testing.
3. Interface Testing
One of the most important interfaces within a web application are web server and application

 server interface and database server interface. Interface testing will ensure that all the individual
 components within a web application are connected appropriately. One should check whether the
 interaction between these servers are executed properly or not with the help of this testing

4. Compatibility Testing
Compatibility of your web application is one of the most crucial things you should consider while

 testing the application. Compatibility testing will check your website or web application for
 browser compatibility, operating system compatibility, mobile browsing and printing options.

5. Performance Testing
Performance testing will help you determine the performance of your web application under

 various scenarios. Performance testing usually involves stress testing, scalability testing and
 load testing. In this testing method, website is usually tested for its functionality on different
 operating system, hardware platforms and more.

6. Security Testing
This testing method is one of the most important ones for your web application as if data 

leaks or modifications are tolerable or not. It usually involves various things like testing the
 CAPTCHA for automates scripts logins, testing SSL for security measures, whether it is possible
 to access web directories or files directly or not and so on.

- See more at: http://blog.testing-whiz.com/2013/12/different-web-apps-testing.html#sthash.heRX0Xgc.dpuf

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